Gate Access
Gate code is 1781, please close it behind you if it is not a regular club night
Members may access straw bosses from the horse box at any time. The horse box is not locked. The straw bosses on the range at 20 and 15 yards are primarily there for members who struggle to get a boss out on their own
When shooting on the range rule 103 applies from the rules of shooting in regards to numbers that must be present
Access to the club house is restricted by keys and a coded lock. The lock code will change annually. Keys may be requested after three months of membership but this will be at the discretion of the committee and payment of a £10 non-refundable fee
If you are the last person on the range, and you do not have a key, please set the alarm and close the door. The coded lock should lock the door and let a member of the committee know
Please read the rules of the range which are posted on the outside of the club house
If you wish to help out with maintenance of the grounds or building then please speak to any member of the committee
When a beginners course is running please set up any bosses to the left hand side of the 15m straw boss so that two ranges may be active at the same time
Coordinating access
A Whats-app group exists for the coordination of people down to the range. If you wish to be included in this chat then please see the signs on the notice boards inside the club house. This group was made by members and is not maintained officially by the club
Target has priority on the range on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Clout has priority on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays