+ Can I join the club if I have never done archery before?

Anybody that has completed a beginner's course or who has sufficient archery experience can join the club. If you've not done a beginner's course but believe yourself to have sufficient experience, please contact the club and one of our coaches will arrange an assessment for you. (Shooting in your garden does not count as experience).

+ Are there any age restrictions?

Currently we have no restriction of the age of members but we don't take archers under 10 years of age on our beginners courses.

+ Do I need to have my own equipment to join?

No, the club has plenty of equipment which is free for members to use.

+ What is the cost of joining the club?

You need to be a member of AGB prior to joining us.

Members (Oct 24 - Sept 25)

Senior £106,
Junior (Under 21s) £60,
OAP £83,
Disabled £60

Membership lasts for 12 months. Your AGB membership must remain current for the duration of the year.

Clubhouse keys for new members

After two months of membership archers may apply for a key to the clubhouse at the cost of £10. A form must be completed, with a committee member, confirming an understanding of the use of the clubhouse and the equipment within.

+ How often does the club shoot?

Outdoors the venue is available at all times and people shoot whenever they are free. Our regular club nights are Wednesday and Friday and these evenings will almost always have lots of people there.

Indoors from October to March we have booked sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays from 7pm to 10pm at Sandburn Hall in Flaxton. We also have a Sunday session from 1pm to 5pm between November and February.

+ I'm a member of another club and I just want to visit

We offer a visitors fee of £35 for the indoor or outdoor season if you're going to be visiting regularly, and we ask that you also fill in a membership form so that we can keep you informed about club activities. Visiting archers cannot get a clubhouse key and cannot win any club competitions or submit club records.

If you're just looking to come once then our line fee is £5 which should be paid on the day to a member of the committee.

+ I have lots of questions?!

Feel free to contact us using our contact page!

+ Can I shoot anything other than a bow on the range?

No. We also don't allow crossbows.

+ How much of my membership fee goes to the club?

For each member the club pays Hopgrove Playing Fields Association membership (£40), Yorkshire Archery Association membership (£4) and Northern Counties Archery Society membership (£2). In 2024, joining in October, a member will contribute the following amounts:

Senior £60
Junior £19.40
OAP £37
Disabled £19.40

2024-2025 Club Membership
from £35.00

If you are applying as a new member, you must have completed a beginner's course, or have sufficient archery experience to join the club. If you've not done a beginner's course but believe yourself to have sufficient experience, please contact the club and one of our coaches will arrange an assessment for you.

You must pay for your AGB membership at agb.sport80.com before you pay for your York Archers membership here. Please add York Archers as one of your clubs on your AGB profile. Please email us or contact a member of the committee if you need help with this step.

If you are paying for visitors membership, please list York Archers as one of your clubs on AGB - you can add more than one.

OAP rates apply to those eligible for State Pension.

Your membership will be checked to make sure that you have paid AGB, and that the correct fee has been paid here.

Membership must be paid prior to shooting.