Restricted range usage during Covid-19 (updated 18/03/2021)

Dear all,

Archery GB are due to release further guidelines on returning to shooting. As these have not yet been released we are working on what we know from the previous lifting of lockdown and the information given out regarding competitions, any updates from AGB will be here, please keep an eye out. We have updated the instructions (shown below in italics), please follow them and make a booking if you wish to use the outdoor or during this time. This is only for members or registered visiting archers, nobody else should be brought to either range, and you must remain two metres from any other person present.


The risk assessment for the range has been completed and the measures below have been implemented. The risk assessment is here.

If you, or anybody you have been in contact with, shows any symptoms of covid-19 then you must not go the the range! If you develop symptoms then you must inform us immediately.

  1. Only ten bookings can be at the range at any one time. This is a single archer or a junior with a parent or guardian.

  2. Only one household per boss. All archers must have their own booking to use the range.

  3. A two hour time slot can be booked below. If you do not have a booking then you cannot turn up at the range. The current slots run from 7am to 7pm, do not go to the range before or after these times.

  4. Please leave the range half an hour before your booking ends as to avoid contact with the next booking. If you want to do a long round then please book multiple back to back slots but remember that other archers want to shoot so please do not book more than two in a row!

  5. Additional restrictions for opening the clubhouse:

    1. Only two people may be in the clubhouse at any one time. 1m+ social distancing guidelines must be followed.

    2. Everybody in the clubhouse, even on their own, must wear a mask.

    3. Individual target faces that you take home will continue to be used. Do not leave your target face on the boss. New faces will continue to be made available upon request outside the clubhouse.

    4. Boss lanes must be more than 5m apart. The distance between the carrots used on the shooting line is 2.5m.

    5. Anybody handling a boss must wash their hands before and after handling the bosses.

    6. Two cones are on the shooting line to denote the edges of two ranges which may operate on separate range commands. If any bosses are set up in the area between these two cones then the whole field is one range and must operate on the same range commands.

    7. Clout archers have priority on the left hand range.

    8. Access to the metal detectors and the bow press is allowed, these must be fully cleaned down after use.

    9. No club bows or arrows should be used without the express permission of Richard Allan. Anything used must be cleaned down before returning it to the cabinet.

    10. The kitchen area is not to be used other than for washing hands. No food or drink should be present or consumed within the clubhouse. THIS INCLUDES THE KETTLE!

    11. The toilet will be accessible and all surfaces should be wiped down after use. Nobody other then yourselves will be cleaning the clubhouse, including the toilet, so please make it safe for others.

  6. Bosses have been placed on the range at set distances, which are adjusted regularly based on demand. Do not move the bosses. If a boss is free then you may switch to it during your session with the agreement of other archers present.

  7. Target faces and pins will be available in limited supply. Take a face and four pins when you arrive, these will be split into bin liners on the shelving, do not return these, take them with you and bring them back next time you shoot. We cannot guarantee that more pins or faces will be available if you forget. If you wish to bring your own faces then they can be ordered from any archery shop (the full boss size faces are 122cm, the smaller outdoor are 80cm, the indoor Portsmouth size are 60cm).

  8. Please wash your hands before and after shooting, the outside tap is on the side of the clubhouse, soap is provided.

  9. The gate must remain closed and it must be locked when you leave (regardless of time, the range should never be left open and unattended). We are aware that this will be contacted by all users of the range, as such please bring your own wipes/hand sanitiser/soap so that you can clean yourself, the lock and the gate after use.

  10. Please make sure that the boss you shoot on is secure, nobody will be doing this for you.

  11. Please take away everything you bring with you. This includes rubbish, do not use the bins!

Please be aware that while we can operate under these restrictions it is not a guarantee of safety and you must all make your own decisions as to whether the risk is worth it. Archery GB also have rules regarding numbers present and the risk:

103.Numbers Present

(a)When any shooting is in progress there must be a minimum of two people present each being a minimum of 18 years of age, one of whom may be a non-archer to act as a lookout. The archer is responsible to inform the lookout of all safety aspects applicable. Where two adult archers are present and shooting together they will alternate on the shooting line so that the non-shooting archer can act as the lookout.

(b)Juniors. When junior archers (ie archers under 18) are shooting individually or in groups they must be supervised by an adult member (excluding honorary members) of ArcheryGB and a second adult must be present.

(c)On private land which is fenced all round,where the public has no legal right of access and with a warning notice displayed at all entrances and points of access, the following concessions may apply notwithstanding the provisions of 103(a) and (b) above:(i)Solo shooting by senior archers (ie archers 18 and over) is permitted. Any member shooting on their own is doing so at their own risk in respect of personal injuries. (ii)Provided that they are an adult member (excluding honorary members) of ArcheryGB, one parent/guardian alone may supervise his/her own child(ren).

If you do not have your own equipment then the club may be able to lend you some but you will be required to take it until the end of the pandemic period and be responsible for the safekeeping of it. Please email the club ( and we will arrange something with you if you need equipment.

Stay safe,

YAS Committee

Direct link to booking page:


I’ve had a lot of questions already, hopefully the below answers most of them:

  • How do I book?

    Read point three above

  • I am isolating with another archer, do we need separate slots?

    No, if you are isolating with another archer then you may share a booking slot and you can shoot on the same boss as someone you are isolating with. Just remember to maintain social distancing with whoever has the other slot booked at the same time.

  • I don’t seem to be able to book more that 14 days in advance. Is something wrong?

    The booking system limits how far in advance you can book so that we do not have a situation where people block book. We have around 100 members and we hope people will take that into account when making their bookings. Especially when considering those members who are key workers and who will not be able to shoot during the day. If you can shoot at a non-peak time then please do so.

  • Some people are booking lots of slots and not leaving any for others, can we police this so it’s fair?

    Although we are tracking all bookings and keeping a tabs on how many bookings are being made by individuals we are hoping that common sense will prevail. If it seems like people are being selfish then there is a possibility that we limit people to a number of bookings per week or a similar course of action. Don’t be the person that ruins it for everybody.

  • Do we all have to shoot and collect at the same time? Even if we’re far apart?

    The field is laid out in two ranges. If you share the range with any other archers then you must all go on the same commands. Even if you perceive there to be enough distance between the outermost bosses on the target range the insurance does not cover you to make that decision, you must conform to the rules of shooting!